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10 steps to becoming lice free

Download PDF: 10 Steps to Becoming Lice Free

Dealing with a head lice infestation can feel overwhelming at best. Luckily, we know a thing or two, because we’ve seen a thing or two in our 20+ years in the lice biz. So sit back, relax and check out our tried and true 10 steps to becoming lice free, you won’t be sorry!

  1. Use a proven head lice treatment (better yet, find one that kills SUPER lice! and follow all directions, exactly. This is not the time to get creative, it is very important to follow labeling instructions for both safety and efficacy.
  2. When treating head lice, start at the nape of the neck and behind the ears. These are the cozy warm places lice LOVE to lay their eggs.
  3. Check for nits and use a nit comb to remove them. If the product you choose does not kill eggs, it is important to remove them to avoid a reinfestation.
  4. Follow through with a second treatment within 7-10 days, if recommended.
  5. Wash all bedding and clothing that your child has used, in hot water, or run through your dryer’s hottest setting for at least 30 minutes. This will kill anything that might be hitching a ride.
  6. Dry clean items that cannot be washed at home.
  7. Soak all hair care items such as brushes, combs, and hair clips in very hot water for 15 minutes.
  8. Place items that cannot be washed or dried in a tightly sealed plastic bag for 10-14 days. Any ole’ garbage bag or Ziplock® baggie will do.
  9. Vacuum to get rid of any lice dust or egg shells left behind. You can also use a product specifically designed to rid lice from your home, such as Licefreee Home!
  10. Teach your child not to share personal items such as hats, brushes, combs, coats, etc. The saying goes, sharing is caring, but that is OUT THE WINDOW when lice are involved!

Go on now; you have the tools to battle your head lice infestation. We know you can do it!

Updated on 14 Jan 2025